Message from the Head of School


Our youngest learners are a remarkable group of people. No other population feels quite as comfortable in their own skin or is as authentic. They are wholeheartedly content with just being themselves and have an insatiable appetite for learning. Ninety percent of their brain development happens in their time with us; it is a time of explosive growth. Choosing the right school is so important!

Working in partnership with our families, Redeemer embraces a learning journey which emphasizes wonder, exploration, risk taking and an acceptance of the power of learning through mistakes. As role models, parents, and educators we profoundly impact not just our students’ development, but the world in which we all live.

At Redeemer we consider our work to be both an honor and a responsibility. As dedicated educators, we provide a vibrant and nurturing environment where our students find that they love to learn. Walking through our halls you will notice that we can be a little messy and a little noisy. We might be sprawled out on the floor or running outdoors. We are curious and playful. We question, and we explore. This is how we learn best!

Redeemer is the beginning, and it is exciting to think about all that lies ahead. We hope you will visit us soon to learn more about our program. Redeemer is not just a school; it is an experience!

Mary Knott
Head of School

Research supports early childhood education through 3rd grade. Click here to learn more!