Before & After School Programs

Carpool Line

Redeemer Parish Day School students are dropped off and picked up using the convenience of our carpool line.

Early Morning Drop-off

Our early morning drop-off program provides additional convenience for families who may need to begin the school day at an earlier hour. Beginning at 8:00 each morning, children in the 3s through third grade may be dropped off daily or may sign up on a drop-in basis based on availability.

Lunch Bunch

The Redeemer Parish Day School offers an extended day program, Lunch Bunch, for children in the 3s & pre-k whose parents wish them to stay at school past 11:45. Lunch Bunch is a play-based program that emphasizes socialization and individual development. Rest time, outdoor play, and enrichment activities are built into the daily schedule for students in groups no larger than ten. The program is flexible, parents may register students on a regular basis or a drop-in base if space allows. Each child brings his or her own lunch and drink. Redeemer is a nut-free school.

RED (Redeemer Extended Day) & After School Enrichment

Redeemer offers after school enrichment classes and extended day care until 5:30 for students in our 3s through third grade.