

Within the framework and beliefs of the Episcopal Church, we serve the community at large, welcoming diverse religions and cultures into the Parish Day School. In that same context, our education teaches the Christian faith and values, as espoused by the Episcopal Church, and honors diverse viewpoints through worship, outreach, and daily activities.

We believe that the early years are the most important in the development of children and that the family is a powerful influence in that development. Therefore, the Parish Day School works in partnership with parents, encouraging a close relationship between families and staff. As a school community, we strive to guide the development of the children’s attitudes, habits, and interpersonal relationships. A Redeemer education promotes spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth.

We firmly believe that each child should be accepted as an individual. Growth in self-understanding and self-esteem is encouraged by promoting independence, initiative, and feelings of individual worth. We also feel it is particularly important that early learning experiences be joyful to allow each child to discover that using the mind is a source of pleasure. This innate eagerness to learn thrives in a warm, accepting, informal atmosphere which  encourages internal motivation and emphasizes mutual respect and trust among children.