Letter from the Director
Dear Redeemer Community,
The beginning of the school year is often marked by mixed emotions. Parents who feel excited and enthusiastic about what lies ahead may also yearn a bit for the lazy, less structured days of summer, perhaps embracing the inevitable growth in their children but wishing to preserve and freeze time too. Teachers, eager to warmly welcome new students, may also long for the settled days ahead when routines and expectations become the norm. It is probably safe to say that we all approach the beginning of the school year with a variety of somewhat contradictory sentiments, and our children are no exception.
It has been a treat to watch our little ones enter the building as they arrive for school. Some bound in the building, up the stairs, eager to begin life as a “big kid” at Redeemer. Others stop and pause, hesitantly glancing into their previous classrooms, possibly reminiscing or longing for the familiarity of a teacher’s face and classroom rhythm that had become so comfortable. For many, Redeemer is a brand new place, rousing curiosity, apprehension or perhaps both. Oftentimes the beginning of the year feels both invigorating and overwhelming. In time, for all of us uncertainty becomes familiarity and the new school year at Redeemer begins to feel like home, a home where I can’t help but think becomes a place “where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came.”
Best regards,
Mary Knott

Classroom Updates:
Hanna 2s:
The Hanna Twos classes have gotten off to a great start, and Mrs. Link and I are so proud of all the children for successfully completing their first week of school. The Twos are exploring the color red, singing songs, painting, playing in both classrooms and outside, saying grace at snack time, and having lots of fun!
Longaker 2s:
This being their first week, the girls did splendidly! They explored their new classrooms and playground with great enthusiasm and focus. Lisa and I look forward to getting to know each one of them in the coming weeks.
Hooper 3s:
The 3 Day 3’s are making new friends and adjusting to their “Redeemer Routine” as we focus on sharing, following directions and cleaning up! Our color and shape for the month are “Red Circles” and our September Nursery rhyme is ” Mary Had A Little Lamb.”
Libby 3s:
Our class if off to a great start, learning about all the rules and routines that we have in school. We have started working on Mary Had a Little Lamb, circles and the color red. We are so happy to have such a wonderful class that has adjusted so well.
Faint 4s:
Faint fours jumped enthusiastically right into letter A with many apple and alligator activities and songs. For a seasonal study, we examined a real sunflower and each child painted their version of the flower. Next week, ask your child about bubbles, animal babies, colors that start with B, bugs and beans.
Loeb 4s:
We are busy playing, cooking, and learning our letter “A”. We strung our names on cord using the Alphabet letters, made alligators, and cooked alphabet soup, which was a huge hit!
Our kindergarteners are off to a fantastic start! We began our All About Me unit this week. We also read Miss Nelson Is Missing
and discussed our school rules. The children ar
e very excited to be the big kids at Redeemer.
Pre-First has had a fabulous first full week of school and we are adjusting to the long days of P-1. We have focused on getting to know one another, setting good examples for others, working together and learning the classroom rules and routine. The boys are excited to be “the big kids” of Redeemer. Thank you for sharing your boys with me!
Lunch Bunch:
Lunch bunch has been working on learning the afternoon rules! We have been making our faces for the bulletin board and getting to know friends from other classes. This first week has been tons of fun!

Office Notes
A reminder that tuition was due September 1st. A $25 late fee will be applied if received after the 10th.
Children arriving anytime before 8:30 am will be charged an additional fee ($3 for scheduled drop-off, $5 for a drop-in). Please contact the school office to add you child on a regular basis.
We currently have space available on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Tuesday, September 16th 7-9 pm:
New Parent Wine & Cheese Party
Tuesday, September 23rd 9:00 am:
2s Parent Coffee (Hale Auditorium)
Thursday, September 25th 9:00 am:
3s Parent Coffee (Hale Auditorium)
Thursday, October 2nd:
Picture Day-3s, 4s, K, P1
Program Highlights:
In the Art this Week:
Pre-first took a virtual tour of the caves in France to see the earliest known art that is 20,000 years old, then made cave paintings of their own. They will soon begin studying the art of Ancient Egypt and compare that to modern life and times.
Kindergarten went outside and made art “en plein air,” which meant that they made art outside and drew what they saw. Some of their artwork is hanging in the hallway, see if you can find the familiar scenes they drew!
The 4’s made a mixed media collage with the first letter of their names; it was messy but lots of fun!
The 3’s tried out foam painting this week and learned that its fun to listen to music and move around or even dance a bit while we paint!
In preschool we recognize the privilege, responsibility and joy of educating our youngest students. Alongside their parents, we work diligently at building the foundation for their ongoing and lifelong learning. Be sure to click on the link below found in every issue to see our wonderful students in action. Enjoy!
Please visit our website
Interested in learning more about our Kindergarten
Please visit:
to learn more about
The Church of the Redeemer
Day School Chapel
Make your mark!
Be brave!
Be courageous!
Community News:
Recycled Items Needed for Art
paper towel tubes
(no toilet paper rolls, please)
show box lides
small wood scraps (less that 6″)
baby food jar lids
cardboard egg cartons
packaging peanuts
paper Easter grass
empty spools/bobbins
Annual Parish Picnic &
Petting Zoo
Sunday, September 14
Following 10:00 a.m. service
Hot dogs and Burgers provided. Please bring a salad, side dish or
dessert to share.
Transform Stress, Find Peace
A Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy 8 Week Group Program
Oct. 1- Nov. 19
Wednesdays 10-12:15
Women Who Wonder!
A gathering of women who meet every Thursday morning to explore questions of the spirit through art, music, poetry, movies, books and outside speakers.
Maryland Agriculture Resource Council’s Family Farm Day
Sunday, September 21
Contact Us
Redeemer Parish Day School
5603 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Mary Knott, Director