The Gift of a Lifetime
Opportunity for Growth & Leadership
Our kindergarten and pre-first students are provided ample opportunity to develop skills of leadership, responsibility, and independence. We pride ourselves on our small class sizes and low student-teacher ratios. Redeemer is fortunate to have two kindergarten classes and a pre-first, providing our students with an even larger group in which to socialize.
With the recognition that all children develop at their own pace, Redeemer’s kindergarten and pre-first students are appropriately challenged while still having the time, space, and ability to be young learners. In our environment students develop greater confidence in individual talents and unique abilities, while at the same time fostering collaboration and creative thinking. Our students are prepared for all that lies ahead!
This is the gift of Redeemer’s kindergarten and pre-first!
Engaging Curriculum
- Wilson Fundations’ Phonics & GEODES Decodable Reading Series
- Heggerty Phonemic Awareness
- Caldecott & Classic Literature Based Literacy Program
- Small Reading Groups & Individualized Instruction
- Writer’s Workshop & Author Studies
- University of Chicago Everyday Mathematics
- Renowned Scientists & Experiment-driven Science Program
- Process-driven Creative Arts Program
- Spanish & World Cultures
- Weekly Chapel Service & Social Emotional Lessons, Emphasizing Strong Character Traits
- Fine & Gross Motor Development
- Hands-on Thematic Unit Study
Parent Testimonial
“Our son Brennan has been a student at Redeemer for five years, since he was two years old. We chose Redeemer for Brennan due to the supportive and nurturing environment it offers its students, at all levels and in all grades. We have found that this environment made the transition to an academic curriculum seamless. Brennan finished pre-first and the preschool division ready for first grade. He is a strong reader, fluent in math facts, and he has learned so much about the world in which he lives. Redeemer has given Brennan the chance to be an author who has written and illustrated several books, a scientist responsible for teaching his classmates an experiment, and an actor in the school’s annual Christmas pageant, with his own lines of dialogue – all of which have instilled a sense of pride and achievement in Brennan not only in himself, but for his contributions to the school community. At Redeemer, every child fits, every child belongs – and families feel a part of it all through the school’s many annual gatherings and cherished traditions. Brennan has grown so much, in so many ways, since he first walked through Redeemer’s red doors . . . we know that he will walk out of them one day with confidence and knowledge beyond his years, ready to thrive at the next step!”
Laura & Mike Bouyeau, Parents of Brennan Bouyeau (1st grade)