Creative Curriculum, Robust Enrichment Opportunities

Our Mission in Action

Educating Children through an Experiential, Process-based Program to Nurture Curious, Confident learners

Experiential and process-based learning is a method of instruction that offers students the opportunity to learn by doing. By engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect knowledge learned in the classroom to the outside world.

“Creativity is the secret to a vibrant, healthy brain!”
Prevention, October 2021

Redeemer’s dedication to integrating play into the curriculum positively enhances student learning!
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Special Subject Areas

Redeemer offers a robust curriculum that integrates special areas of study with classroom learning. Highlighting the experience, our program is student-centered and process-driven. Investigation, collaboration, creation, inquisitiveness, discovery, and questioning are fundamental to our daily routines. Students create, manipulate, and journey to places outside the classroom walls. Our program builds cultural awareness, contributing to our students’ understanding of themselves, the community in which they live, and the larger world around them.

Redeemer Parish Day School Offers Grades 1 through 3 the Following:

  • Art
  • Spanish
  • Library
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Social Emotional Learning (1st & 2nd)
  • The Leadership Seminar (3rd)

Click here for a sample schedule.

Integrated Curriculum

Project Highlight: 2nd Grade Architecture Unit

Wendy Craig, Art & Science Teacher

Our second grade students study Asian American culture in social studies. Looking to integrate their homeroom curriculum into our science and art program, we discovered several prominent Asian American architects. Learning about these architects and creating projects inspired by their work offers a wonderful opportunity for the students to design in three dimensions. This theme dovetailed nicely with our physics unit in science.

We learn about I.M. Pei’s famous glass pyramid entrance to the Louvre. Using graph paper and rulers, we carefully measure and plot lines to make our own 3D pyramids. Next, we move onto Disney architect Wing Tao Chao. Inspired by his fantastical designs, the students create their own buildings from recycled materials. Led by the students’ enthusiasm, we spend several class periods planning, building and painting to create a city’s worth of structures! This makes for an amazing tabletop display to be enjoyed by the whole school. To round out our city, we study the sculpture gardens of Noguhi, and the students add model magic sculptures to our street. The students design Googie style signs for their buildings after learning about Helen Liu Fong and her futuristic Jetson type creations.

We also learn about different structural supports such as arches, domes, columns and beams. We used our bodies to replicate these supports, then build them with blocks, LEGO bricks, and magna-tiles. We learn how to measure the length, width, and height of our room and surroundings, then use these measurements to draw them to scale. Watching the excitement and engagement of the students when they are given free reign to build, design, and collaborate is an amazing experience.

The students’ ability to work independently and openness to trying new things – sometimes failing, but having the resilience to try again, is a culmination of their years of work and play at Redeemer.