Community Engagement

Compassion for others, inclusivity, and sensitivity towards our diverse culture is integral to our program. At an early age our students are able to recognize the difference they can make and the role they play in our society.

Our outreach programs include:

Boots for Baltimore: For over thirty-five years, BOOTS FOR BALTIMORE has been part of the outreach program at the Church of the Redeemer. Its inspiration grew out of the spontaneous response of this parish to the plea of a shelter provider for work boots and warm socks. Boots, she suggested, offered a gift not only of protection but of dignity and opportunity. Staffed by Redeemer volunteers, the BOOTS program solicits funds from private individuals, foundations, corporations and the church community for the purchase of sturdy boots that are then distributed through a network of 30 agencies serving the homeless, the jobless and the working poor – shelters, soup kitchens and job programs. Our Day School students gather coins and lose change, contributing to the purchase of over 30 pairs of boots each year.

CARES/GEDCO Food Pantry: GEDCO’s North East Food Pantry serves individuals in crisis by connecting customers with emergency food relief that will enable movement towards self-sufficiency. The heart and compassion of this entirely volunteer-run program drives them to ensure that everyone leaves with food.

First Fruits Farms: First Fruits Farms is a non-profit, Christian ministry dedicated to providing fresh, nutritious food for the hungry. Redeemer students, teachers, and parents serve as volunteers and offer support to further their mission to GROW MORE, GIVE MORE, SERVE MORE.

Hi Neighbor!: Govans Elementary is a pubic charter school, operated by the Baltimore Curriculum Project, a participating school in Baltimore’s 21st Century School Program. About 1 mile from Redeemer, Govans has partnered with Redeemer since 2011. Our first grade students participate in the “Hi, Neighbor!” Initiative, which is a child-centered initiative whose goal is to build community by bringing students together.

Pedal for Pediatrics @ Redeemer: The Pediatric Oncology Program of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center is focused entirely on the research and treatment of childhood cancers. As one of the leading Cancer Centers in the United States, Johns Hopkins is at the forefront of developing new treatments and designing clinical trials. Each year, more than 12,000 children and teens are diagnosed with cancer ranging from leukemia to sarcoma. Most of them will be cured and go on to lead healthy, productive lives because of innovative research and cooperative clinical trials. As a leader in pediatric cancer research, Johns Hopkins Pediatric Oncology is dedicated to making new discoveries to improve the lives of children with cancer in Maryland, the nation, and around the world.

ShareBaby: Each December Redeemer families participate in a diaper and wipes drive to support ShareBaby. ShareBaby seeks to address the unmet needs of some of Baltimore’s most vulnerable children through the distribution of essential items.